Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Optimize your Android Home Screen comprehensively and carefully

Phones with the Android platform is actually not new. But for most mobile phone users in Indonesia, maybe Android is something brand new. Despite many offers advantages, especially in terms of data access, Android inevitably leaves a question mark for mobile phone users in Indonesia related to the operation of this youngest operating system.

Well, this time MOBILE tips on how to present the basic operation of Android so that you, the users Android (new), to optimize these advanced mobile phones, especially on how to optimize your home screen

1. To manage existing space on the home screen, widgets can be used to optimize the layout. Widget is a dynamic application that will help you manage all the functions you want placed on the home screen. Accessing this widget was easy. Stick your finger on the blank screen and hold a few seconds. Widget window will appear (pop-ups). Widget itself has several variations in size and function. To get the update variations widget, visit the android market.

2. Try not to use an alert tone (email alert) when the email entered To disable the warning sound is, go into Gmail settings on the Settings menu, and move the status to be Silent. While not using the tone of the reminder email, you will still be able to view and accessing email quickly. New email information will appear in the drop-down panel on the top of your Android mobile phone screen. Pull down the panel, the new email information will be visible.

3. Perform one-touch dial settings for the people you call frequently. How, stick your finger in an empty place on the screen and hold for a while. Settings window will appear instantly. Select the Shortcuts menu. Shortcut window will bring up some menus on it, select Direct Dial and select the name of the colleague or colleagues who you call frequently. Similarly, text-based messages (SMS). Select Direct message on the window menu shortcuts, and do the same.

4. To place your favorite webpages on the Home Screen window, tap a few moments at the desired site in the browser bookmarks and select Add a shortcut to home.

5. Try using a folder to create the appearance of the Home Screen you become more structured and neat. This affects the speed of your Android mobile phone access. To create a folder, press the space on the Home Screen. When the Add to Home Screen appears, then choose Folder. Perform removal by drag-drop contacts, applications, or other shortcut.