iPhone is so sensational as smartphones, ranging from support for applications, games, music, up to sensors that complement very interesting. But, all that will drain the battery a lot. Especially if you are classified as "heavy users" could be the charger must accompany mengasup to anywhere for a depleted battery power. Although, officially the iPhone claims to have up to 300 hours standby time. Recognizing this, on the official website gives tips to save iPhone battery as follows:
1. Minimize use of location services
Applications that use location services such as Maps will drain the battery. To disable go to Settings> General> Location Services or use location services only needed Pls. And, you can switch on when need be.
2. Interesting email manually
Incoming mail can be arranged in the gap or interval. If more frequent intervals to pull the email, then the quicker the battery is depleted. To menghematnya we can check e-mail settings manually, do the Home screen> Settings> Fetch New Data and tap Manually.
3. Turn off push email service
If you do not really need push email service from Yahoo, MobileMe, or Microsoft Exchange, should be disabled, how: go to Settings> Fetch New Data and set Push in the off position.
4. Minimize third party applications
The number of installed applications such as games, causing the screen can not "break" that suck up more battery.
5. Turn off Wi-Fi
If you rarely use Wi-Fi, you should turn off. But, if you frequently use the iPhone for browsing, the battery more durable use WiFi instead of cellular networks.
6. Turn off Bluetooth
Likewise with wireless connectivity on this one, make sure the power is off when not in use.
7. Switch to airplane mode when a weak signal
In weak signal areas, automatically iPhone will always try to connect to the cellular network, thus requiring greater power. Rather than just a signal to fireworks flared better switch to airplane mode, it's a consequence we can not communicate. But, the battery will last longer.
8. Adjusting screen brightness
Dim the screen is one way to save battery, do I go to Settings> Brightness> move the slider to the far left to the screen for more dim. But, make sure the display can still be read by you. You also can set the brightness automatically follow the light conditions surrounding environment, how to enter the menu Settings> Brightness and set Auto-brightness on the ON position.
9. Turn off the equalizer
Apparently Equalizer settings can also waste iPhone battery when playing songs. To disable go to Settings> iPod> EQ and tap Off. Note: If you have already added the song directly from iTunes equalizer, then the iPhone can be set Flat equalizernya.
10. Turn off the 3G network
Using the 3G is more access to data, but also drain the battery faster especially when you're on a very limited 3G area. To disable the 3G from the Home screen choose Settings> General> Network> and select the 3G enabled in the OFF position. That way you can still receive and make phone calls and access data via EDGE or GPRS.