Based on the Taipei Computer Association reports that quoted by The Economic Times, Sunday (05/29/2011), there are approximately 50 types of tablets that will show off at the exhibition which will last for five days. Some tablets carry big brand names, such as those manufactured by Toshiba Corporation and Lenovo Corporation. Brand genuine challengers like MSI that Taiwan will also appear several model choices.
Riot tablet product could be a sign of a shift towards consumption rather than tablet PCs. Based on Gartner research, forecast sales of PCs in 2011 will drop to 10.5 percent from 15.9 percent previously. ISuppli IHS data also shows a distribution of a PC down 0.3 percent from year to year, to just 8.1 million in the first quarter of 2011.
Many analysts say that it took about 2-3 years for mobile devices software from Google and Microsoft to be able to pursue iPad which has thousands of applications that can be user selected. It could be an indication of heavy periods for the PC manufacturers in the short term.
To market the tablet itself, according to CDC research, in 2010 Apple dominates the market with 73 percent market share while Samsung even at the second position far behind with 17 percent market share. Total penjuualan tablets in 2010 reached 18 million and is expected this year will reach 50 million units.
In addition to tablets, at Computex 2011 event will also be showcased home and corporate servers and cloud computing equipment and services.