NEW YORK - Rapid access is very necessary. Especially seeing tremendous growth smartphones lately. one of them is the emergence of a variety of OS is very familiar and easy to operate with a smartphone. The latest data shows the dominance of Kantar Worldpanel Comtech Android OS on a smartphone sales globally, having seized six important markets of the world.

the Android dominates Smartphone Sales in 6 Countries
As reported by Cellular News, Tuesday (06.14.2011), Android is managed to increase its market share to 35.1 percent. In fact, controls 44.9 percent recorded Android UK market. This is definitely a remarkable achievement, considering that last year drew the new Android 9.8 percent market share in the UK.
OS Android become number one in Britain, Germany, France, the United States, Australia and Japan during the sales week ending 12th May 15 last. Especially for Spain and Italy, Symbian is still the idol. However, Symbian's market share in Italy fell from 68.3 percent to 40.6 percent, following a very rapid growth of Android.
"Android is now ranked number one in six countries and continues to embrace a large share in Europe. In the U.S. market, share Android tends to be static for some of the last period (54.7 percent), after the IOS (30.8 percent) back uphill," explains Dominic Sunnebo as the Global Consumer Insight Director Kantar Worldpanel Comtech.
"Symbian is still having trouble, because consumers continue to wait for a Windows mobile phone. Share Symbian in most countries is relatively static, except in France where Symbian has increased 2.8 percent. But the share in Italy fell 6.5 percent compared to the previous period," Sunnebo further.
Meanwhile, Research In Motion (RIM) also managed to increase its market share in Europe, as in the UK rose from 18.6 percent to 20.9 percent. In Spain, RIM's share also rose significantly (8.1 percent) of only 4 percent in the previous period to 12.1 percent.