One application is the best news on the BBC News iPad. With this application, you can still monitor the latest news from anywhere in the world.

BBC News story in the application include "Top Stories", "U.S. and Canada," Technology "," Features ANAD Analysis "," Business "," Science & Environment "" Entertainment & Arts "," Health "," Sport ", and "Audio & Video".
You can also check for specific news about Europe, Latin America, United Kingdom, Asia Pacific, South Asia and the Middle East.
News of BBC News can be read in English, Brasilo, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Russian, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu.
What is interesting also you can listen to BBC radio broadcasts on "Live Radio". You can still listen to BBC radio announcer voice, while clicking on other current news.
If you have not had time to read the whole story, you can check the latest news with a short text on the "Latest".
If you want to enlarge the letters in or out, just click the + A or-A in the upper right.
You can also share stories that have been read to the email, as well as to social networking sites Facebook and Twitter.
BBC News is a free application is an application that you must download, if you need the latest world news. This application is very efficient and very easy crawling by.