Yes, in the latest comScore report, Apple ranks second in smartphone platform in the U.S.. Apple with IOS has been successfully occupy the second position, under Google Android. So that was reported by Apple Insider, Monday (06/06/2011).
According to comScore, Apple controls 26 percent of U.S. smartphone market between February and April rose 1.3 percent from 24.7 percent in January. Meanwhile, Apple's presence grew, RIM actually lost 4.7 percent share of the platform during the same period.
IOS and Android is the platform of another OS that experienced growth in share between January and April. But growth exceeds 5.2 percent of Android than Apple, this means giving the search giant platform on the market share of 36.4 percent.
In addition, comScore finds that 234 million Americans age 13 and older who use mobile devices in the range from three months ending in April. Of those, 74.6 million smartphones in the U.S. owned, up 13 percent from three-month period ended in January 2011.