Facebook has denied the news which said they lost some of its users. Social networking sites are actually saying "pleased" with the growth of Facebook users or Facebooker.

Data from monitoring sites Facebook, Inside Facebook, previously stated in last May the world's leading social networking sites that lost six million users in the United States and 100 thousand in the UK. Including, some 1.5 million Canadians leave the site.
However, Facebook is not usually comment on third-party statistics is precisely to question the origin of the data could be obtained.Therefore, based on data owned by Facebook, it shows the opposite.
"From time to time, we see a lot of news about Facebook lost users in some areas. A number of these attachments take data from our advertising device, which only count guesstimate ads on Facebook and not the design to be a source of information on the growth of Facebook users," explains manager up in a statement recently.
Facebook Party explained, overall Facebook is growing. The proof, with the total reaching 687 million users worldwide, even many new users come from India, the Philippines and Indonesia.
Meanwhile, ratings agency comScore also have different figures.Told the BBC they mention the existence of a growth of 21 percent in the U.S. during May, and 368 thousand new users in the UK, between February to May 2011.
According to comScore, the average usage time accessing the site also increased from 21 minutes per day in December 2009, to 25 minutes per day in December 2010.
Thinking about the saturation point of Facebook, where Facebook users get bored with social networking has been estimated by some observers. But so far it has not been proven. "In some developing countries reached 50 percent penetration," said Adrian Drury, head of corporate ratings analyst Ovum.