SAN FRANCISCO - Listen to favorite songs from MP3 players player, while sunbathing on the beach is certainly very unpleasant. But unexpectedly, when the sun suddenly experiencing MP3 player battery runs out. It's certainly annoying.

How Sexy! Battery Charge of the MP3 Player Can be done from Bikini
But still, the article an expert on technology creates a sophisticated solution. Andrew Schneider created a tool called 'Photovoltaic Bikini', which can recharge MP3 player of bikinis.
For women who want to sunbathe on the beach or pool, of course, need not be afraid anymore sudden digital music player they have run out of batteries. Moreover bikini refill able to fill the energy of sunlight.
Clean Energy Authority report on the Solar Bikini is a result of development of students currently studying at New York University. So that was reported by TG Daily, Monday (06/20/2011).
Schneider told, the initial idea of innovation is born when he was with his friends playing around and fantasizing can create a flexible bikinis to fill out the electronic devices, while still enjoying a cold beer on the beach.
The design itself is actually not very complicated, because it still uses traditional materials such as fabrics and solar film. But what makes the challenges of the future is, how to make this tool can be made with simple but not losing touch of sexy style bikini.
Schineder very confident this new innovation will be able to socially acceptable because it is very enjoyable. Moreover, when thrown into the market, this gadget is priced at USD200 only.