TOKYO - A Japanese company has developed a mobile phone charger using boiling water in a saucepan. The tool is able to convert heat from the boiling water into electrical energy that is useful to add power batrai cellular phone or other small devices.

This is the newest gadget released by TES NewEnergy. At first the pot which is a tool for cooking water paired USB songket useful as a tool that can reflect heat into electricity.
It is indeed aimed at developing countries, inspired by Japanese tsunami recently. A pot is designed for use on the fire of normal firewood.
The developers noted that the fire can reach temperatures over 900 degrees, much higher than needed to boil water. So much energy is wasted in the atmosphere or lost in the heating pot. So that was reported by Cellular News, Tuesday (06/21/2011).
The gadgets they make to convert a portion of the waste heat energy directly into electrical current. "This device can recharge mobile phones on average 3 to 5 hours," he said.