The contents of another leak, this phonewill disandangi 4.3 -inchtouchscreen . More relieved than embedded in the body of his siblings, X10. There are also features an HDMI port and HD video recording capabilities.
Another feature that is not less "wow" is about opearasi system that will be taken. Unmitigated, cutting-edge Android version 2.3 or Ginger Bread will be in the innards "X12."
The next news, Sony Ericsson will release this phone early next year or in the First Quarter of 2011. This info is still a rumor. But usually this kind of gossip do not miss. There is the possibility of smart phone manufacturers deliberately leaked it to provoke public reaction. At once for info like this kind of imprinted in the minds of audiences, so they are curious and more interested to buy immediately after the product launch.