CALIFORNIA - According to the latest survey from ChangeWave said the 46 percent who want to buy a smart phone in the next 90 days said they would choose Apple's iPhone as mobile device.

46% of Respondents consisted of 89% U.S. respondents prefer iPhone to Android
The poll conducted on 4163 consumers, who as much as 89 percent of which came from the United States (U.S.), says 46 percent of consumers have an interest in the iPhone, just follow later in the second position is a handheld device that Android has a 32 percent preference. While only 4 percent of the buyers want to buy BlackBerry (RIM).
Launched by TG Daily, Tuesday (19/07/2011), the survey also reported that services such as Apple iCloud will increase the likelihood of consumers to purchase additional Apple products. To be sure, 29 percent of owners of Apple's current products and 13 percent of non-Apple owners say iCloud would make them "more likely" to buy Apple products in the future.
"It looked early on the impact of Apple's new iCloud where the service is showing it can improve customer loyalty," the report said.
"But the survey also provided the signs are very encouraging that iCloud will generate additional customer demand for other Apple products, not only from owners of Apple's current products but for the owner of a large number of non-apple," he added.
In addition, 70 percent of IOS users said they were "very satisfied" with their iPhone, compared with only 50 percent of Android users.