Became the most popular gaming applications on mobile devices,especially smartphones.Applications topped the category of mobile games apps applications followed by weather infoandsocial networking in the next sequence.

Game allegedly becames the most popular applications on smartphones
Based on latest data released by research firm Nielsen, users who download smartphone applications in the last 30 days, 93 percent are buying gaming applications.
"In contrast, only 76 percent of the downloaders who are willing to buy news applications," Nielsen wrote in a report quoted by theLos Angeles Times.
Known, most gamers in the iPhone, Windows mobile phone 7 orthe Android download the game that often they play. WhileBlackBerry users are usually only play games that are already ontheir devices.
"The average mobile gamers play games 7.8 hours per month.Those who use the iPhone tend to play for 14.7 hours per monthwhile the users of Android 9.3 hours per month," Nielsen wrote.
In the data downloader application for 30 days, Nielsen recorded64 per cent to download games, 60 percent download the application information to download weather and 56 percent of social networking applications.