iPhone 4S equipped by iOS 5 boost Apple's advanced smartphone selling
Performance Apple to regain market share, have started to give stunning results in the fourth quarter of 2011. According to data disclosed by Nielsen, the leap Apple is also thanks to the presence of the 'new kid' iPhone 4S in October.
Reported by IB Times, Thursday (19/01/2012), according to Nielsen, 44.5 percent of smartphone buyers purchased an iPhone more than Android-based phones in the last quarter of last year. Compared to before the launch of the iPhone 4S, Apple could reap only 25.1 percent market share.
So with the above data, you could say Android's market share in October during the last quarter of 2011, down 61.6 percent compared to the previous. Decline in market share is, of course thanks to the presence of Apple's latest phone, the iPhone 4S.