This product is new and it will come up the question how secure BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.2 is.
In the BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.2.1 users can retrieve later and buried APK files on BlackBerry phones freely. Then , how secure will if Android can be installed from source without limit ?
As is known , one minus in the Android Android is sometimes often inserted with a dangerous virus . Not only from a third party source , even from the Google Play Store was frequently missed .
Senior Product Manager BlackBerry South East Asia , Ardo Fadhola , has its own response on the matter . Aside from the security of the BlackBerry , the responsibility of the user to filterize Android apps that go into the handset.
" Once it's downloaded , APK files need to be installed . Before installation usually will be asked again whether users really want to install it because of the source from outside . Was one of our protection , but so did the responsibility of the user to sort , " .
will not be easy for the virus to ensure the security layer of the BlackBerry 10 operating system . Moreover , he also ensures that QNX is behind the BlackBerry 10 is not easy to penetrate .
From a variety of new features , the BlackBerry is now giving way to a more spacious Android based application that can be embedded with the BlackBerry 10 handset with ease .
Indeed earlier , was able to run Android apps on BlackBerry 10 . However, it is limited in nature , because the only existing application selected porting of BlackBerry World .
" Well , not now . Without having tampered based applications that users can install the APK directly to BB 10 handsets . Fact , you can take it from source outside of the handset , " .