This is Misperception of myths about Apple, the best world cellular company?
Apple names attached to various myths . In fact , not necessarily the myths were true. In an interview , a former Apple product designers reveal the truth .
Mark Kawano , a designer at Apple who had served for about seven years , in an interview with Fast Company site , trying to decipher some of the myths about Apple , especially related to design .
Myth 1 : The best team in the world
Quoted from BGR , Thursday ( 05/22/2014 ) , according to Kawano , the biggest fallacies about Apple related how Apple products are made . According to Kawano , many thought Apple could bring forth a superior product because it has a team of the best designers of the world.
" You do not suddenly get ' magic wing ' or ' super power ' when joining in Cupertino ( Apple 's headquarters location ) . What happens is , you will join an organization that allows you to spend time to actually design the product , rather than fight fellow colleagues , or become frustrated because good design is rejected by engineering managers who want to focus on fixing the bug , " he said .
That is , the organization at Apple , according to Kawano , enabling innovation is born because of a conflict of interest , political offices , and similar toxins were not wearing the design team . Without it , a team of designers can focus on the quality of his work .
Myth 2 : infinite resources
Kawano said , Apple is often considered to have infinite design team . In fact , the company only has 100 's of people to handle the design . Compare that with Facebook , which Zuckerberg has claimed hundreds of designers ; or Google that number reached 1,000.
The design team at Apple is very small and , arguably , intimate . Even Kawano said , he knows the faces and names of everyone in the team . The team is great , it turns out , is not always necessary to produce the desired quality .
Myth 3 : Raw and detailed rules
Kawano also explained that the public has too believe that Apple makes every detail of the product with care and caution . As if there is a referral from Apple on every little thing designed .
In fact , according to Kawano , lots of little things that make iOS or OS X 's different actually created when the designers were relaxed .
Kawano said , there is no " standard rules " or " formal library " that must be obeyed by the designers of Apple . Instead , he continued , that there is a group of people who are happy and comfortable in sharing ideas .
Myth 4 : Steve Jobs was scary
Biggest myths inherent in the body comes from the founder of Apple , Steve Jobs . That said , Jobs always demanded perfection , and so tough in terms of jobs , even to make his employees scared .
" In fact , the people who work at Apple it is the people who have passion and zeal to learn from Steve . They are very dedicated to the consumer and the product , " said Kawano .
" ( Steve Jobs ) a fussy . However , in other things , he is also very democratic , and want to be treated like everybody else , " he said .