Thursday, June 23, 2011

Apple finally acquires Patent for the Touch Screen in final decision of court

APPLE acquired a patent for capacitive touch screen technology via the iPhone that was widely known in three years ago. Patents covering multitouch screen and finger motion sensors mounted on the iPhone, iPad and iPod.

Apple finally acquires Patent for the Touch Screen in final decision of court

That is, other manufacturing companies who want to install touch-screen technology on their products must pay a license to Apple. If you do not pay the license, the act of manufacturing firms were categorized as a violation of copyright.

Commentator patent and IP law blogger Florian Mueller said,''Patent protects various functions. Without the patent would be difficult to build smart phones (smartphones) are competitive,''said Mueller was quoted as saying on Wednesday night (22 / 6).

''Without a patent, Apple's innovation will be captured,''Mueller added. However, so competitors do not have to worry. They will remain safe if they do not plagiarized all user interface and finger motion.