Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blood Pressure is able to be really measured by iPhone

iPhone is versatile. Aside from being atelecommunications device, Apple's gadgets can also beused to measure blood pressure.
Blood Pressure is able to be really measured by iPhone

It's easy. Simply by connecting it with an accessory called theblood pressure monitor (BPM) by the French company Withings.Just like regular blood pressure gauges, BPM has a shape like acuff. The difference, this one tool can be connected to the IOS operating system-based gadgets like iPhone, iPod Touch and IPAD. As quoted by, now BPM is the only blood pressuremeasuring device that supports the IOS. The new accessory for theApple gadget that brings the concept of plug and plug. Wrap theBPM on the arm, and then plug in the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Furthermore, tools to work immediately to measure bloodpressure. Users can access the results of measurements of IOS-based devices or via the webpage Withings. Measurement result data will be stored along with the date and time of measurement. Thus the user can observe the development of blood pressure with ease. Data measurement results can also be sent to the doctor viaan email link that has been integrated or synchronized with therecording sites like Google Health personal health or MicrosoftHealth Vault.