LONDON - Apple with the International Trade Commission (ITC) renewed its call HTC, with the claim stating that HTC had violated Apple's patent applied technology for the iPad and iPhone. As quoted from Tracy and Matt, on Tuesday (07/12/2011), this is not the first time Apple's conduct of lawsuits over similar allegations. At least there are some court cases that are being undertaken iPad with similar issues.
HTC's turn is now officially sued by Apple
The demands made by Apple is also going on, just weeks after they filed a similar claim to the Samsung.
Detailed information regarding this claim has not been officially announced, but it seems Apple is trying to block the sale of HTC Flyer, Droid Incredible, Wildfire, EVO 4G and Desire in the United States.
"HTC disappointed with Apple's actions are performed, from the healthy competition in the marketplace," said Grace Lei, General Counsel HTC, said in a statement.
"HTC is expressly rejects all allegations of infringement of patents filed by Apple, either currently or previously," he added.
For claims made by Apple, HTC shares on the market fell more than 4 percent. It seems that the conflict between HTC and Apple will further strengthen in the next few months.