Monday, September 19, 2011

TouchPad 16 GB is currently sold only U.S. $ 99.99 while TouchPad 32 GB is $ 149.99

San Francisco:Thursday, HP announced that it would lay off the production of gadgets WebOS operating system, particularly tablets and smartphones webOS TouchPad. TouchPad 16 GB is currently sold only U.S. $ 99.99, which was previously priced at $ 399. TouchPad 32 GB previously priced at $ 485.99, while in U.S. sold for $ 149.99.

TouchPad 16 GB is currently sold only U.S. $ 99.99 while TouchPad 32 GB is $ 149.99

tablet computer assembly Hewlett Packard (HP), TouchPad, a best-selling electronic devices, after HP decided to cut the price of an all-out. This is done, because HP plans to stop assembling tablets and smartphones since the weekend.

"People lined up in droves and they are very quick to buy it," said an employee of Best Buy in San Diego, United States, the technology news site Betanews. "Tablets are not to be assembled again it sold out in just five minutes after the store opened."

IPad rival gadget is also selling well at online sales and more difficult to find. Now, the TouchPad is no longer listed on in the United States, which last week reported unsold and left about 270,000 units. In the Amazon, is also selling the TouchPad electronic sales list, beating the Kindle and the iPod Touch.