Friday, October 14, 2011

more than 90 percent of school children owns smartphones

Seoul: Age of the more modern and technological world continues to evolve. Today, mobile phones are not a luxury and rare. The children have been many who use mobile phones.

Based on a study, more than 90 percent of school children in South Korea have mobile phones and they start using at an average age of 10 years and four months on Friday (7 / 10).

more than 90 percent of school children owns smartphones

The study, conducted by a local politician and Dankook University's medical school mensurvai 6052 students from elementary, middle and high school students.

The survey found that about 96 percent of middle and high school students and 83 percent of elementary school students have mobile phones and spend an average cost 27,290 won (23 dollars).

When asked about restrictions on the use of mobile phones in schools, about 48 percent of elementary school students agree. While more than 70 percent of middle and high school students oppose the policy.

Teachers strongly supports the ban, and said it gives greater control to the children during class.

South Korea has about 51 million mobile phone subscribers at the end of February, more than the population that only 48.6 million people. That proves the number of people who carry cell phones more than one growing.