Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs died at age 56 with meaningful memories

San Francisco: Steve Jobs died on Wednesday (5 / 10) at age 56 after a battle against her illness. He is survived by his wife, Laurene, and four children.

"Those who are lucky enough to know and work with Steve would be so lost a good friend, an inspiring mentor. Steve left a company that only he can build it. But his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple," Apple said a statement on its website, Thursday (6 / 10).

The mood of grief surrounding the Apple family. They lost the innovator, Steven Paul Jobs or Steve Jobs. Black and white photos with effects adorn the front page of the Apple site.

On its website, Apple expressed his grief by saying they lost a genius with vision and creativity. Not only them, the world had come to lose.

San Francisco: Steven Paul Jobs or Steve Jobs was born not of the situation "normal." He was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955, the son of two college students who are not married, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. He later adopted the couple Paul and Clara Jobs.

Steve grew up in foster parents' home in Silicon Valley, the center of the information technology industry in the U.S.. While in high school, he was offered an internship at Hewlett Packard, where he met with Steve Wozniak.

He had studied but dropped out. Steve then went to work for Atari video game manufacturer with the aim of raising money for a trip to India. Returning from India, he returned with his head shaved, wearing a robe, and began living life as a vegetarian until the end.

He returned to work at Atari and joined the local computer club with Wozniak who design and build your own computer. In 1976, Jobs sold his work and Wozniak 50 computers to a local computer store. He successfully launched the computer, called the Apple 1, without having to borrow money from other parties.

The advantage of the Apple I recycled into an improved version, namely the Apple II, which appeared in a California computer exhibition in 1977. The new engine development funds and Jobs persuade Mike Markkula, local investors, to guarantee loans amounting to 250 thousand U.S. dollars and together with Wozniak, three of them formed the company Apple Computer.

Apple II, unlike other computer at the time, is present in the complete, first purchaser does not have to assemble the components. This model encourages instant success. They're managed to sell six million in 1993. Earlier, in 1984, Apple released the Macintosh is legendary.

Then came the conflict which triggered a decline in sales and rising anger over the autocratic style of Steve Jobs. He had to step down from Apple.

Out of Apple, Jobs founded NeXT Computer in 1985 and a year later bought the Star Wars director George Lucas. The company, which was renamed Pixar Jobs, produce sophisticated computer animation is used a number of filmmakers, including Disney. Switched jobs, from computer to film animation production.

The breakthrough came in 1995 with the hugely successful Toy Story. Then, followed by other successes including Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc.. A year later, Apple pays more than $ 400 million for NeXT Computer and Jobs returned to Apple.

In the second phase of the presence of Steve Jobs at Apple, his first achievement is the iPod, launched in 2001 to meet the demand for mobile music devices. This product instantly popular because of its sleek design.

Then came iTunes, which allows customers to download music from the Internet. This product is also sold well in the market.

In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had rejected the idea of ​​surgery. It manages to find alternative therapies, including special diets. He eventually underwent surgery in 2004.

In 2006, Jobs introduced the iPhone to customers. Prospective buyers have been lining up for hours before it was released smart phone. Two years later, the Macbook Air was launched. At the launch event, and it comes with a black sweater and faded jeans. Tuhuhnya thin. Growing speculation about his health.

Three years later, he underwent a liver transplant, the doctor announced that the conditions of Jobs is fine. However, in January 2011, Apple announced that Jobs will take a leave of absence for health reasons. Nine months later, he turned a blind eye.