Monday, December 19, 2011

Big issues of Carrier IQ is found in the Android device in the debate of spyware

Software that is so the spotlight, especially in the United States, named Carrier IQ. Its existence was revealed by a researcher named Trevor Eckhart.

Initially, Carrier IQ is found in the Android device. Eckhart said the software (software) is spying on all user activity, including any key is pressed and the user typed text.

What's the problem anyway?

In the U.S., Carrier IQ is so large because of privacy issues that allegedly infringed by the software. Some parties even considering a class action lawsuit.

However, some security researchers say, this issue is exaggerated. Tim Wyatt, of Lookout (Android security software), said there were concerns about user data.

Big issues of Carrier IQ is found in the Android device in the debate of spyware

However, Wyatt said, having examined more deeply, it appears that Carrier IQ does not transmit data to the operator presses the button. "From what we know, it seems Carrier IQ is not a bad program," said Wyatt.

The only thing scary of Carrier IQ is that it is not known to exist from the user's (hidden) and there is no way for users to turn it off. Users also do not know exactly, what the collected data the software.

A software accused of acting as spies. He is present in Android, BlackBerry, and iPhone without the user's knowledge.

Is it software? Is it true he was a spy? Here is a summarized explanation of the various sources:

What is Carrier IQ?

According to official information from the manufacturer, Carrier IQ is the software that collects data usage by the customer so that telecom operators can analyze and make improvements.

Carrier IQ goes on, hidden, and can not be stopped. Unless the device di-unlock/root or jailbreak. In other words: the technical knowledge needed.

What data is tracked?

According to Eckhart, this software to track the location of the device, the button is pressed, web pages visited, when the phone calls made, and other information. He even display via a video on YouTube.

Carrier IQ maker refused the claim. The official statement that the company shows that they can know whether an SMS successfully delivered or not, but does not record its SMS content. He also knows what applications suck up the battery, but it did not save screenshots.

The data is sent to where?

Video demo shown Eckhart does not display the data transmission. Carrier IQ said the data they collect is sent through encrypted channels.

What devices are using Carrier IQ?

According to the company's Carrier IQ, their software is used in more than 130 million mobile phones in the world. However, they refused to say anything.

Carrier IQ is installed and active as the rights mentioned telecom operators. In the U.S., for example, AT & T acknowledges using this software. Sprint too. However, Verizon said no wear.

Eckhart called Carrier IQ in HTC, Samsung, Nokia, and BlackBerry.

Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry, said that they did not put in the levying of Carrier IQ and do not allow telecom operators to do so. Nokia also said not to use it.

Motorola recognizes that there is software on their devices, but threw the issue to the operator. The same is done Samsung.

HTC says, Carrier IQ is in their devices only when required by a particular telecom operator in the U.S.. HTC is not a partner or a client of Carrier IQ.

IOS developer, Paul Grant, Carrier IQ found in the iPhone. But according to Apple, they are no longer using it since IOS software 5.

Google said it was never put on the Android Carrier IQ. However, they acknowledge that Android is open and the operator or the Android-based device makers can make adjustments.