Gartner said the tablet from Apple until the end of 2011 would sell 47.9 million units and will be 138.49 million units in 2015. While Android tablet at the end of 2011 will be sold 13.8 million units and reach 113.45 million units in 2015.
A survey shows, tablet users were predominantly those who are not young anymore. User young age is still in its infancy and will start to look in 2014.
According to the survey, in 2011 there were about 31.5 percent of users aged 18-34 years old tablet. While more are aged 35 years and over, with the amount of about 55.5 percent.
New in 2014, eMarketer predicts, tablet users aged 18-34 years will increase to approximately 34.8 percent. While that is aged 35 years and over will drop slightly to around 49.3 percent of the total number of users.
Currently, the number of users reached 33.7 million tablets in the United States. This figure climbed 158.6 percent compared with 2010 sweeping that only amounted to 13 million units. Keep in mind, the iPad was first launched in April 2010.
Predictions, by 2012 could reach 54.8 million users. Then continue to grow year after year to reach 75.6 million (2013) and 89.5 million (2014).
For this type of tablet as desired. About 65 percent of respondents were still wants the iPad, followed by tablets made by the Amazon Kindle Fire about 22 percent and 2 percent want a Tablet Nook from Barnes & Noble.
Based on data from April 2011 Gartner, tablet sales globally through 2015 are also predicted to increase. Tablets with IOS operating system still predicted to dominate the sale of tablets in the future.