Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Is it Samsung Galaxy phabet or fonblet?

Phablet probably already quite familiar term among gadget lovers. The usual designation is intended for smartphones with large screens, usually 5 inch upwards. But what about Fonblet?

In an event titled Analyst Day in Seoul, CEO of Samsung once again confirms that it is a great phone called fonblet delish, not phablet. This was before they ever did when launching the Galaxy Mega.

Yes, the Galaxy Mega recently launched a rumored Galaxy Fonblet will have a name. But somehow in the end Samsung chose the name for the Mega final size of the phone.

Not explained in detail what the purpose of the designation Fonbelt, and also what's the difference with phablet. But it seems that Samsung will use the word to their large mobile phone in the future. So that was quoted from the Wall Street Journal, Thursday (11/07/2013).