Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This more affordable version of the Xperia Z Ultra has little more petite size

Sony plans to launch This more affordable version of the Xperia Z Ultra has little more petite size.

Sony is reportedly preparing another version of the Xperia Z Ultra. With the reduction of some of the features, the product is expected to be more affordable.

The product appears in a document reported by the FCC. It says that Sony has been testing for a device called the 'portable handset' and 'portable UMPC mini-tablets'.

Size and shape similar to the Xperia Z Ultra, it's just the middle of the test product does not support the feasibility of cellular frequency aliases only provides data path via WiFi.

However supporting features such as GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, still kept.

As quoted from VR-Zone, Thursday (11/07/2013), it is likely that the product is still a mystery that is a cheap version of the Xperia Z Ultra. Moreover, if the look is a little more petite size.